Dame Dr Sheila McKenzie, PhD., IMD, DHS
WONM President

Dame Dr. McKenzie has dedicated thirty-five plus years to consolidating her knowledge in dentistry, homeopathy, orthomolecular medicine, and international medicine to bring together an international health stewardship program that will help practitioners to satisfy the need for the present healthcare crisis.

Dr. McKenzie is a co-founder of the World Organization of Natural Medicine and its current president and Founder of Clinics for Humanity International. She served as an International public health diplomat with the International parliament for Safety and Peace (2003 -2013). In addition, she is a United Nations certified Health Educator and author of several publications.

Dr. McKenzie is a dame of the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitallers. She currently is Dame Commander for the Order of Knights Saint Paul-France (North American Division),
Colonel of the Holy Company of Miracles of Saints, which is under the protection of the Order of Saint Paul.

The Company is mandated to help those who wish to go on humanitarian outreach in Europe and the Americas. Professor and Head of the Department of humanities studies for Saint Peter and Saint Paul Lutheran University-Institute, Chancellor of the University of Humanitarian Medicine, and the Canadian College of Humanitarian Medicine.